How do go from 100 users to 10,000 users?

How do go from 100 users to 10,000 users?

Here are some ways to go from 100 users to 10,000 users:

100 users to 10000 users
  • Offer a freemium
  • Promote your freemium plan on social media.
  • Find a smaller niche to focus on and get specialized for that niche.
  • Find influencers in your industry and offer your premium for free. they may start to talk about you.
  • Gather emails to boost retention of old users.
  • Create guest posts on other blogs and link to your product with important keywords.
  • Find podcasts, and webinars then add value to those as a guest.
  • Make it easier for users to talk about you on social media and do mouth-to-mouth marketing. (build great products)
  • Build a good affiliate system for your product, and let affiliate marketers know about it.
  • Optimize pages for search engines, and do keyword research for each page.
  • Run PPC ads if you have the budget and the margins are good enough.
  • Create a blog for your product/business.

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